- With the Myanmar military in retreat, potential pathways have been created for cross-border aid.
- India and the United States should provide emerging anti-junta authorities with humanitarian aid for communities in need.
- Addressing the crisis could stem the destabilization of India’s northeast.

Zo Tum Hmung and John Indergaard, “Chinland Council Established in Myanmar,” STIMSON, January 11, 2024
The creation of a Chinland Council in northwestern Myanmar is helping to bring together a divided ethnic minority in a move that could have implications for the resistance against the military junta. While the new council faces barriers to progress and has raised many questions, a new governance structure and constitution work to reinvent the relationship between Chin State and central power in Myanmar.

Zo Tum Hmung and John Indergaard, “Success on Myanmar-India Border a Turning Point for Chin Resistance,” The Irrawaddy, November 29, 2023
In the early morning of Monday, Nov. 13, resistance forces in Chin State, Myanmar stormed two Myanmar military bases near the Indian border. Within hours both were captured, sending 43 junta soldiers fleeing into the Indian state of Mizoram. By the end of the day, the Chin National Army (CNA) flag flew over the crucial border town of Rihkhawdar.

Zo Tum Hmung, David Moe, and John Indergaard, “Myanmar’s Christians: As Our Churches Burn and People Flee, We Need the US’s Help,” Christianity Today, September 15, 2023
Christian ethnic minorities in Myanmar (also known as Burma) have long faced religious persecution and ethnic discrimination due to Buddhist nationalism in the country. This has only worsened after the military overthrew Myanmar’s democratically elected government on February 1, 2021.

Zo Tum Hmung and John Indergaard, “Time is Running Out for India’s Balancing Act on the Myanmar Border,” United States Institute of Peace, June 15, 2023
Washington should encourage New Delhi to support Myanmar’s pro-democracy movement as the best path to stability.