Religious Freedom

Accountability: CAM calls on the U.S. government to make the following determinations about atrocities against Christians in Burma:

  1. The Biden administration should determine the Burmese military’s atrocities against Christians as war crimes and crimes against humanity.\
  2. The U.S. Congress should adopt a resolution condemning the Tatmadaw’s atrocities against Christians across Burma and demanding they immediately cease the violence.

Humanitarian Assistance: Humanitarian assistance to Northwest Burma and for refugees and host communities in Mizoram State, India has been woefully underfunded. The Asia Foundation estimates that 90% of humanitarian assistance for IDPs in Chin State comes from the Chin community and diaspora. Likewise, civil society and local churches have provided the vast majority of aid to refugees in Mizoram State. CAM advocates:

  1. Access for international organizations and relevant UN agencies in Mizoram, especially UNHCR, UNICEF, and the World Food Programme.
  2. Cross-border assistance for IDPs in Northwest Burma over the Indo-Burma border.
  3. Addressing the root cause of displacement by pressuring the Burmese military to cease its violence against the Christian religious minority and others in Burma.

NGO Coordination: CAM was part of the successful effort by Burma advocacy NGOs to pass the BURMA Act of 2022, which authorizes non-lethal aid to the anti-junta resistance. CAM also joined the effort to ensure the FY 2023 Appropriations Act included $136 million in funding for Burma. CAM is now focusing on implementation of the BURMA Act and advocacy related to:

  1. FY 2024 Appropriations Bill
  2. FY 2024 National Defense Authorization Act
  3. H.Res.86 / S.Res.20, which condemns the Burmese military for gross violations of human rights and the 2021 military coup.