Chin New Year

Organizer2 Montgomery Road, Elkridge, MD, United States

Workshop: College Preparations, Leadership and Advocacy

  Workshop: College Preparations, Leadership and Advocacy Day 1: Saturday, August 7, 2021 Time: 2pm-5pm Speakers: David Stanley Student, Yale University Jenny Yang Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy World Relief Day 2: Sunday, August 8, 2021 Time: 5pm-7pm Speaker: David Stanley College Preparations Venue: Chin Bethel Church 6801 Douglas Legum Dr, Suite A Elkridge, MD 21075

CAM New Report Announcement

Facebook Video Conference

Release of New Report: “Seventeen Months After the Military Coup in Myanmar/Burma: Escalating Persecution of Chin Christians in Chin State and Sagaing Region” The Chin Association of Maryland, Inc. (CAM) will release a new report on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 9:00 pm ET in a video conference over Facebook entitled “Seventeen Months After the Military Coup in Myanmar/Burma: Escalating Persecution of Chin Christians in Chin State and Sagaing Region.” The report lists cases of religious persecution in Chin State and Sagaing Region, including church-burnings and the killing and detention of religious leaders. In the town of Thantlang, Chin State,...

IRF Summit Presentation

Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC

From June 28-30, 2022, the Chin Association of Maryland, Inc. (CAM) will attend the International Religious Freedom Summit at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC.  CAM and Chin youths from other states, including Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, and Nebraska, will present the findings and recommendations of a new CAM report, “Seventeen Months After the Military Coup in Myanmar/Burma: Escalating Persecution of Chin Christians in Chin State and Sagaing Region.” This report documents key cases of religious persecution, including church-burnings and the killings and detention of religious leaders.  

Chin New Year 2022

Long Road High School Auditorium 6101 Old Dobbin Ln, Columbia, MD, United States

Chin New Year 2022. The 73rd Anniversary Celebration Date: Saturday, October 22, 2022 Time: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM Location: Long Road High School Auditorium - 6101 Old Dobbin Ln, Columbia, MD 21045, USA